Sunday, June 1, 2008


I can not believe that my last post was May 12.... since then, a lot has come our way. We are all trying to process, and sort out what has been handed our way. We are all very grateful for all of the love, care, and concern everyone has expressed. Even if you have not personally spoken with one of us, it is amazing to think of so many thoughts coming our way. There comes to us strength in just that thought.

Dan, Kate, Zolani and I were up for Friday - Saturday. Dad had set up the nurse/aid to come in and help on Friday, so that he could get out to do some errands. Margaret and Bill brought me home and had a lunch and a visit with mom. She was her perky self, but soon "wilted". As Dad was out on Friday afternoon, mom did very well. She was up a bit, and then soon retired to her bed. Most of her day is in bed, with several times to get up, stretch her legs, take a short walk to the chair, where she sits for a short time, and then she is ready to head back to bed. She gets up for every meal, and eats like a champ. On Friday evening, when Dad got home, he was packed with groceries. I just figured that he had something planned for dinner, (Because he usually does). However, he had not given dinner a thought. To keep things simple, I suggested spaghetti. As mom was wheeled to the table, she said "I sure hope there is something good for dinner!" ( I was immediately worried) She then peered into the pot of spaghetti and said, "Boy, that will do just fine!" I think she enjoyed every bite. Mom eats very well, and for that we are delighted. Eating is something that she still really enjoys, and she looks forward to each meal. (even if I am the cook)

As we were together this weekend, we were able to capture a few smiles. Babies seem to do that to each of us. The last time we were together, only a week ago, Zolani would NOT go to anyone. However, this weekend, he seemed to be happy sitting with Mom, and looking at Dad. This delighted Mom.

This will have to be all for now. I will try to post more often.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update! I check often on the main blog, then on the blogs of the children for news, and was glad to find some news today.

Do you have Hospice care for your mom? I have been wondering about pain. It sounds like she doesn't have a lot of energy, but it is great that she has a good appetite! I hope you have a good supply of ice cream handy!

Love and cheers from the sidelines, Alma