Saturday, June 28, 2008

Our past few weeks

Thought that I might give all whom may read this an update on our past month.

A few weeks back Matt graduated from elementary school. Matt will move on to middle school in the fall, and he seems ready to make the change. When we attended his graduation, we sat there and realized that as one exits the elementary school, another one will enter. That puts us there for another 6 years. This fall Lilianna will start Kindergarten. Now that we have all of the children home for the summer, we are searching for fun, and entertaining things to do. Our most famous saying is "MOM, I'm bored." With that thought, I know they will be ready to start school in September. We have been enjoying the summer days and evenings staying outside until way past our bedtimes. (There is NO bed time in the summer.)

I continue to attempt to get home weekly. Last weekend, Karen Segal, Mom's first cousin was in from CA to visit. It was great to hear mom and Karen reminisce about old times. It was really special for Karen to visit. Mom was able to get outside and enjoy the weather, before we get into the real heat of the summer. Lilianna and I were up for Friday evening and Sat. Lilianna wanted to play games with mom, so we played "go fish" and I think mom won. On Saturday, Ron and Steph and family came..... which always makes for a great day. Mom did really well. Still at times in some pain, but usually when she was shortly due pain medication.

This weekend I again headed up for Friday evening and Saturday. This time I took Zach with me. This way, each child gets a chance to be with Grandma and Pap with no competition. During last week, mom seemed to have a break-thru with her medication. The pain medication that she was on was not keeping the pain under control. With the nurses orders, she was switched to a time-release pain medication which lasts for 12 hours. The nurse indicated that Dad should start the medication Friday evening. She had a good night, and then got her second dose this morning. We were really wondering how she would do during the day, and how the medication would help control the pain. Well, I will just put it this way.... she had a really wonderful day. Thomas, Sally, Riley, and Lauren Annabel were in to see mom and dad. They came at lunch time and we all enjoyed a pot of mom and dad's "convention chicken noodle soup". Up to this point, mom has enjoyed each of her visits. But when her pain takes over, the visit is usually over. We only know, when mom gives us that clue. BUT today seemed a little different. We all enjoyed spending the afternoon together. Mom was very much part of the conversation, sharing her side of the stories. She was even great at sharing memories from the past years together with the Annabels. Mom really did well, and enjoyed spending the afternoon with Tom and Sally. (And the kids had a great time together as well) After Tom and Sally headed on their way home, I was certain that mom would be really tired. Zach and I were also getting ready to head home, but we were being quiet as to not wake mom. When I went to leave, I realized that Mom was not sleeping. As I peeked in to say good-by, I asked mom, "How are you feeling?" She said, "I don't know what this medicine is, but I really feel fine." She then told me how wonderful it was to be able to enjoy an afternoon of visiting with such a special couple. I had to second her comments. It was really special, and although she may have overdid it, she really enjoyed her time with Tom and Sally. Really, the day was special for all of us. Mom's new medication at this point seems to be agreeing and having a positive effect.

Well, I will let this be all for now. I do not have any pictures at this point. I will tell you, I wish I had a picture of mom in her yellow shirt. When I got to mom and dad's yesterday, mom had a BRIGHT yellow shirt on. (one that I picked out of a catalog) She kept complaining that "THIS" yellow is not my color. Finally, Dad put her in her "comfortable" pink color, and she was much herself. ( I will spare mom the picture of her in that bright yellow, you get the picture)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzy and Mark,

This is the 3rd time I've tried sending a message. Hope it works this time.

I have enjoyed reading your blog and the other blogs . . .Your mom and dad's relationship just seems so beautiful . . .He is taking good care of her and she is able to lean on him . . .what an example of love. It can't be an easy time for the two of them; but they have one another. I keep trying to imagine what it must be like for them.

Your children are absolutely adorable. Lillianne looks like you Suzy. I didn't realize your children were so big. It seems like yesterday that Valerie and Wayne were in middle school. Now they are on there own. (I just got a call from Wayne today; he's in town and coming over - have not seen him in a month)

I can't send you any pictures of them here but if you want you can email me:

Back to your mom. I love it when you share the moments your mom is spunky and the different things she says . . .it makes me laugh and I can remember those times about her.

The one thing I got from your mom is "examples on how to raise kids". Expecially when they were teens. I'll never forget when you kids had lost a friend who was killed in an accident . . .your mom was a strong 'front'and she didn't sweep it under the rug, she was there for you and the other kids.. .I can't explain it exactly but she was there.

It shook me up some but it was made real to me what needed to be done . . .turns out I needed that experience with your mom . . .

Valerie's best friend Jolee was killed in a car accident on New Years Eve 2002(Val was to be in that car that night; she had changed her plans to hang out with me and Wayne). We still put notes and flowers on her grave. Valerie still keeps in touch with Jolee's mother off and on.

There were many things I learned about kids from your mom and I will not go into them . . .except one more. . .

Your Mom's Danny is My Wayne . . .even to this day . . .he's a good kid, he just marches to the beat of his own drum. He does not drink,smoke or do drugs . . .he has stopped drinking soda pop to show his peers you can stop doing anything you want...

There so much to share . . .but I'm going to let this be all for now. I am in Illinois now . . .trying to get enough gas to drive out there. I have not seen my folks for about 7 years . . .they keep sending pics and my dad's head of hair is all white!!!! Everyone is aging on me and it's scaring me.

Okay Suzy and Mark this is it. Take good care of your mom. I think it is wonderful that all you kids and the grandkids can get to see her as often as possible.
