Monday, May 5, 2008

My day with Mom and Dad,

Today was a wonderful day!!! I only hope that we continue to have this kind of improvement. Last evening I decided that I would head up to Mom and Dad's. Since I got a late start, I decided to stop at Ron and Steph's for the evening, as to not disturb Mom and Dad by coming in late. This morning as Ron headed to work, I headed to Perry County. I got to Mom and Dad's just in time for breakfast. Mom woke up and looked great. We headed to the breakfast table, but there was no hurry for breakfast. (I was in a hurry for coffee) We had an apple, and later a couple eggs, and toast. As we continued to visit, I soon realized that Mom had been up for 2 hours. (That was far greater than the 1/2 hour up time from the day before) By 9:45 she was down for her morning nap. While she had been up, it was amazing. She realized that there were no birds out the window by the table. She mentioned this to Dad, who told her that he had taken the bird feeder down. Amazing!!! It seems to me that her thoughts were clearer today.

Later, Aunt Flo came to visit. I suppose she came to visit with Mom, but she got me instead. Mom slept right through our chatting in the family room. It is always great to chat with Aunt Flo. She has been wonderful to visit and lend a helping hand.

While Mom was resting, Dad headed out for his errands, only to return with a CRV full of necessities. The best purchase was a new chair for Mom. It is a recliner/lifter. After Mom awoke from her nap, watched us carry in her new chair, and test it, then she gave it a whirl. I think this new addition will be great. She sat in her new chair for over an hour before heading for her afternoon nap.

Once Mom headed for her afternoon rest, I headed on my way. I can say that today was a wonderful day. Mom seemed brighter, clearer, and had more awake time. Although each day can be different, we hope for a steady climb of improvement. It was a wonderful day!!!

PS. I wish I had a picture to post of Mom, she really looks great....I suppose I will get that next time.

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